I'm back for a bit...

Shine On

last night i met with some of my co-workers in the cafeteria. when i joined their table i had no idea what they were talking about. it didn't take long for me to get in the swing of things though.

people who make about twice as much as i do are paid to write material for me to teach. the thing is the material stinks up the room something horrid. so i kind of use it as a reference and work my way around it. however, when new people start training they are small dogs in tall weeds with no hope of finding their way.

i've been polishing up the poop they give us for so long that i don't know what good material looks like. i'm creating masterpiece theatre from the droppings of saved by the bell. so basically i'm standing on my feet daily and writing curriculum... and getting paid in peanuts for it.

i know at some point i'm going to have to call it quits and look for a real job. thing is that i really like what i do... but when i say all of this i feel like i'm sounding like a battered woman. "you don't know what my job is like when you aren't around! it says the nicest things!!!"

oh, well. nothing to be done about it today. just have to get up and continue to shine it on.

08:44 ::
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