I'm back for a bit...

Stay Awake

eh. so i'm standing in front of a class for hours with nothing to train. the system i am here to train is not loaded onto the computers in the room where i am training. that means that i'm just trying to get the smoke and mirrors running... while simultaneously wanting to sit down and fall asleep.

i got to a late start this morning. i love my hotel room. it's a profound and deep love that no other hotel room could ever fill. i have a kitchen sink with a little counter for ice and coffee and drink making fun. the bed is wonderful and there are windows with views on two sides. this is a far cry from beaumont where everything shaked and rattled.

but about the late start, i had trouble moving about and leaving my comfortable bed. then i got lost on my way to the site and stuck in traffic... i was half an hour late. the whole time i was sitting in bumper to bumper traffic i could only think of napping.

now i will be doing ice breaker activities when everyone returns from break. then we will more than likely work on these until it is time to go home which isn't for more than two and a half hours.

this all makes me want to get a soda and perhaps a tiny snack... and then nap, of course.

Though the world is fast asleep.Though your pillow's soft and deep. You're not sleepy as you seem. Stay awake, don't nod and dream

11:33 ::
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