I'm back for a bit...


i choose to not run to the ladies and bawl my eyes out. yessiree bob... i'm fighting back! or at least pulling together some facsimile of fighting and that too is a win for our side (whatever side that happens to be at said moment).

was looking for bits to add to the warm fuzzies page as have found that has helped in the past. realized that have a large gaping omission and am doing my bloody well best to fix it.

i love you neil finn. love, love, love you. so this is all about you. word is that you are recording with your brother, tim, and will soon have an album out. cheers to that! here is a pic of you, tim and other recording types. you look dreamy!

sounds like you and your sibling were having quite the time during sessions and so much the better. why shouldn't you be having a lovely time, as you yourself are lovely.

perhaps (just perhaps, mind you) you are not familiar with my friend neil? this can be remedied. here & here & here & lastly here

feel much better or am at least putting on a good face - fake it 'til you make it - or some semblance of hogwash like that.

13:37 ::
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