I'm back for a bit...

The Shudders Continue

oh and the magic continues... when i last wrote i was only slightly traumatized by what my class had said. they thought that i had potential and should try going on an episode of 'what not to wear'. they mentioned that this show gives you $5,000 to go shopping and that didn't sound too bad (i could bring mommylap, right?)

then i mentioned that i was at the zoo and this guy with kids hit on me. i thought that was odd. i'm not wretched looking but i have been hit on quite a bit in my stay here. the ladies in the class reported that this was because 'you're white and you have a big butt and you also have big ...' (i cut them off before that, thank god).

so i'm walking around with a whole big batch of self-esteemy goodness. a big steamy bag of the stuff. perhaps i should take this as a compliment and start eating whatever i want [editorial note: diarist has never stopped eating what she wants, this was only relation to the guilt that is applied when eating whatever she wants]

i'll leave you with this thought: you can learn a lot from a dummy... [this guy picks on women who wear clunky shoes over the age of 25, i'm just defending my honor.]

10:12 ::
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