I'm back for a bit...

twerp, dolt, moron, ingrate

Ever had gum on your shoe and then stepped on someone�s carpet? That�s how I feel right now. I completely understand why you are sad/disappointed/pissed with my behavior. I will be fixing my error STAT. I didn�t honestly intend to take credit for something you did. However, you don�t know me so I�m not banking on your taking me at my word.

Perhaps the fact that I will clean this up ASAP will help? I don�t know. I�m really sorry.

what am i sorry for? well, i'm sorry for sucking. what happened was i working on my diary template and when i added on a link for molly ringwald on the nifty column bar on the right, i did not add the design link back on.

laine from lucky designs signed my guestbook and let me know what a freeloading twerp i am... while also doing it in a very nice way. which also makes me feel worse.

i felt so horrible that i ran and tried to start a new template from scratch but i realized that wasn't what laine was asking me about. just give credit where it's due, damn it.

it would appear that feeling dumb about things you messed up is a constant for some of us lately. am going to try to take all this with a grain of salt and keep moving...

anyone else done anything this lame? please share. feel like sodden hobo.

oh and visit lucky designs, too. they have the coolest layouts which is why i probably tried to hijack one as my own... groan.

16:19 ::
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