I'm back for a bit...


I'm leaving for Tempe on Sunday and nothing is done. I haven't had anyone in Tempe print out the participants' guides. I wonder how much it would cost to have this done at Kinko's?? Crap. That just shouldn't be an option.

R and I had it out this morning during our walk to court. Couldn't believe that he was upset over a few dishes when I have been running my butt off for him. But he was. We yelled a bit and I remember calling him 'maggot'. We settled it after a bit and I realize that the whole thing was probably just misplaced anger... Still. He can be the world's biggest schmuck sometimes. I did let him buy me lunch though.

Boss lady just bought me coffee as a thank you for all of the traveling that I'm doing. Found that a bit odd but it was charming to talk to her about donating plasma and about driving manual.

I am not up to date on anything that I will be training next week. But instead of working on that I'm setting up a second diary to journal my training... Oh Nellie.

If you are staring at me wondering what the hell is going on. If you are scratching your head wondering what the hell I'm thinking you are not alone. This is going to be ugly.

14:17 ::
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