I'm back for a bit...

you say it's your birthday...

today is my birthday. i've made it through 26 years and my texan friends are taking me to karaoke tonight to celebrate it. if i could i would take along these birthday girls and boys:

monica bellucci
she was in the matrix reloaded but don't hold that against her. she's still purdy

eric stoltz
little known fact about this fella. he was originally tapped to play marty mcfly in the back to the future trilogy.

barry williams
i have to say that the things that barry - aka Greg Brady - admits to are kind of scary.

frankie lymon
he sang with the teenagers and he's best remembered for singing 'why do fools fall in love?' you know, frankie, i have no bloody idea.

johnny mathis
strangely enough, johnny was born in TEXAS. it's getting eerie in here.
'chances are' is not only a good song but i hear it every time i see robert downey jr. anyone know why, because i sure as hell don't.

truman capote
he wrote a great book which turned into a better movie. you might have heard of it, it's called 'breakfast at tiffany's'. you know, that audrey hepburn thing that i consider my favorite movie?

buddy rich
an outstanding drummer and a friend of old blue eyes to boot.

william wrigley, jr.
gum tycoon. that's right, gum tycoon.

also, james dean died on this day in 1955. please visit this link because there is some wonderful writing and great photos.


i know that i went a bit crazy with linking. you can do that on your birthday, right?

anyway, it's a bit late for editing on this baby.

10:47 ::
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