I'm back for a bit...

Diaryland, You Co-Dependent Babe

Dear Diaryland,

I've been true to you in my ways. I've been spending too much time at So much so that I have forgotten most of the ins and outs of HTML. I know that you'll take me back D-Land but there's more.

Recently my boyfriend joined MySpace to help promote his band. I joined it as well so that I could help his numbers. Now they have a blog option there dearest and I will admit it... I have been tempted. Just minutes ago I stared at a link that would enable me to put an entry into cyberspace without your involvement.

Maybe you're not pissed. Maybe you saw this coming. It's possible. I've been drifting away from you lately but that was just games of solitaire during the long hours of insomnia. You understood that I couldn't continue writing depressing entries and you stood by me when I watched the days grow to weeks.

You've been nothing but supportive. I'm still very attracted to you but I find that I can't commit. You were my first blog and I'm not sure that it would be fair to you to just settle down and not see if it's meant to be.

All the same, as I think of writing an entry for MySpace I feel cold. I think of the times we've shared and I don't want to start making memories with anyone else. I want to be with you, if you'll still have me.

I'm back, Dearest Diaryland. And I'm going to write you more pointless entries about nothing and hope that this is what you want. I had to come that close to giving up before I saw how wonderful you truly are and I can't thank you enough for letting me have that moment of discovery.

You know if any guy ever wrote a letter like this to me I probably would dump his ass. Silly me.

21:18 ::
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