I'm back for a bit...

I'm Giggling To Myself

so i was reading a little news story on this website. it says that the FDA has required makers of antidepressants to put warnings on these drugs. "what warnings?" how about a warning that says that people taking them may become suicidal???

that's right! so the very drugs us dopey depression-types are taking to ease our woes might actually be pushing us off the edge. for the love of pete! that's not great news.

one of the drugs that will be including this brand spankin' new warning on it's packaging is our pal prozac. if you will recall i am taking this shit... or i was. i was taking it faithfully for an entire month but i didn't feel any better. i only felt like i was running a really piss poor marathon without an end in sight. i have an appointment with my doc next week and he'll probably put me on something to take with with the prozac.

i know that the chemical workings of the human nervous system is one complicated ball of wax. however, at this moment i feel that i'm a bit more of a guinea pig...

doctor one: you know she's not responding to our medications
doctor two: well try a different one
doctor one: oh, totally! it takes them so long to figure out that it isn't working and in the meantime we're still getting paid!
doctor two: you know it! besides most of them get better simply by taking some kind of drug. we could be filling their prescriptions with tic tacs
doctor one: oh and they'll tell themselves that they are imagining the peppermint taste. or they'll feel guilty when it doesn't make them feel better and blame themselves!
doctor two: oh stop!!! you are killing me!!!

i'm not even mad about any of this... i just don't seem able to function on any level lately. there are places that i want to go and things i want to get done. if given the choice right now i'm not so sure that i would turn down the opportunity to go on leave. i could play computer games all day and eat spaghettios... and slowly feel worse about myself.

man, i'm a riot today!

13:44 ::
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