I'm back for a bit...

Feeling Groovy

last night i went out for 2-for-1's with my buddies. since i don't have to actually stand up train this week i decided that it would be okay to stay out as late as i wanted and drink as much as i could. this was a really clever idea and you know where it has gotten me - hangover hell.

i am drinking water like it's going out of style. i'm having fantasies of a nap right now. oh golly would that be fine. i just stopped in the restroom and i look about as fine as i feel.

i really only have four more hours with my class today and then i can stop the feelin' fine charade. i know that two of my friends might be stopping by my diary today to see a recount of our outing last night and they're going to be disappointed. the only thing that i am going to mention about last evening is that i jumped into bed with the boy fully clothed and woke up the same.

i'm feeling all kinds of groovy and the terrible thing is that fargahar warned us all yesterday. i should have listened. oh, yes.

10:30 ::
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