I'm back for a bit...

Stomach Love

ok. let me explain stupidity. i'm gonna use math, too.

temperamental stomach ulcer

+ hard night of drinking


one sick ticket

i'm at the boy's flat. i've been splitting the last two hours between hovering over the toilet and being coiled up on the couch.

it's not the hangover anymore either. it's that my stomach cannot tolerate much hard alcohol anymore without getting out of sorts. last night i can testify to slapping about my liver like a red-headed step child. now it's slapping me back. it's not even listening to reason at this point, gosh darn it.

i'm sitting up now and my first priority is to hop online and tell everyone about it. wouldn't want anyone to think that i was at work being unproductive. no, you must have the true skinny! see my dedication, people?

fargahar left her hangover remedy in my notes section and i'm thinking it's a solid bet. i've included it below... maybe iustitia and i should take this advice and run very fast with it...

Anyways, drink h20 WHILE you are drinking. And then before bed take a Vitamin B Complex. (If you fear being too drunk take one before you start drinking.) Because alcohol is a toxic and a naturally diuretic as well so not only is your body loaded with toxins but it is dehydrated too. That is what the B-complex is for. It helps the liver filter the alcohol more efficently. Seriously, I have gotten balls to the wall drunk many many times but never once gotten a hangover.
16:19 ::
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