I'm back for a bit...

Low Down Dirty Rotten

this morning was not cool. i wake up and realize that i don't have that much gas in my car, that i should probably run out and put some in before driving the boy and i to work. instead i figure that i should just move my car so that i don't get a ticket and we should take his car to work.

so i threw on some clothes and ran out to move my car. it took me a few minutes at most. i got back in the apartment and began brushing my teeth and trying to tame my hair into a ponytail. then i had a sudden epiphany about my brilliant plan.

what i didn't figure was that the only places i could move my car to would still have me parked for more than 2 hours in a 2 hour parking zone. so then i noticed that the boy was carefully moving about his apartment tending to chores like emptying the garbage and shutting down his computer. in the meantime, the clock is ticking

i decided then that since he would be poking about for another 20 minutes that i should go and get gas... i ran back out to my car and drove it around the block and then decided that i wouldn't have time to get gas. i pulled up at the boy's apartment and honked.

then five minutes passed while i quietly began to have a nervous breakdown. when the boy finally appeared he was only holding a video and his garbage and not any of his luggage.

why should he have luggage? because i'm also picking him up at noon to drive him to the airport, which makes needing the gas even more important at this point. he ducks his head in the car and asks if we have time to return his video and i screamed "NO!" as if he had asked me if i would like to go to work nude.

he goes back in his apartment and reappears with his bags. my nerves are slowly getting more frayed. he's now pissed off because we don't have time to return his movie. i inform him that i will do it today - i promise him that i will.

his being mad pushes me over the edge and it's at this point that i start crying. then the boy tells me to "chill out". he also says some other things that i deem highly inappropriate at the moment. i try telling him this in a calm tone but then he adds "settle down". i tell him that he probably shouldn't speak anymore.

i start crying. not sobs but large dripping tears running down my face. i am barely awake and there is simply too much to deal with. i'm running late, the boy is pissed, i have little to no gas and i still have to drive to work and park. this isn't a lot to deal with but it's too much for this morning.

now i'm sitting in class just trying not to cry about anything. i feel like an idiot for that but i just feel worn down.

09:11 ::
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