I'm back for a bit...

The Entry About Me and My Butt

last night my broke ass and i sat at home. which, if you stop to think about this sort of thing like i do, makes quite a bit of sense. what else should a broke ass be doing anyhow but sitting?

anyway, that's what we did. my rear and i watched a whole load of queer eye for the straight guy. they did a makeover for an olympic skater. he was hot to begin with and a sentimental fella to boot. this episode found me and the fab five tearing up something awful. damn it's embarassing sitting at home and dribbling with some gay boys on tv. i loved every minute of it.

opus set up his keyboard in the "dining room". i played on that thing for about an hour and realized that i am truly the rustiest little turd. i haven't played much since i was in the band and that was about three years ago now. will i be sitting down daily to plink through a merry little minuet? doubtful really. kind of hard to motivate myself to do anything but eat saltines lately...

so tonight i'm supposed to go see opus and eddie play at 7th street entry. i'd like to go but i can't afford to park there. it should only be two or three dollars, right? i have that but i fear something awful like event parking will have me crying at the parking ramp and cursing my financial flunky self.

that's my day for now and ain't it thrillin'?

12:26 ::
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