I'm back for a bit...

Pancakes and Pinups

my class is taking calls today. it's grand because this means that technically training is over and they are now starting to work independently of me... sort of. i am still going to spend a majority of my day running about and answering questions.

i did want to detail a bit of my weekend because it was nice. okay "nice" is a very bad word to use because it doesn't really mean anything. i should say that things went better than i expected. first off was an evening with the boy on friday. i made him open his gifts right away. for those of you care about details i purchased him three (3) pairs of boxer shorts, a robe [it was originally $52 but i got it for the bargain basement price of $4.68!!!], the dvd for spirited away and a book of gil elvgren paintings.

the boy and i actually spent a better part of the evening looking through the gil elvgren book and watching lost in translation. so first off here is a picture by elvgren called photographer:

elvgren is the king of the hill as far as pin up art goes.

next let me tell you that lost in translation is such a great movie. if i reviewed movies for a living i might say something like "fall in love with bill murray all over again." i had a really dramatic reaction to this movie and bill as the romantic hero when i saw this the first time.

we got up nice and late the next day and went for breakfast at the ihop. when we got there we saw a sign for a never-ending pancake promotion. someone named nicole dunbar had eaten 25 1/2 pancakes. she signed her name on the printed announcement and wrote "USA" beneath it. i am glad that she wrote that because it's good to know that the foreigners aren't winning our eating contests.

that's all for now...

13:08 ::
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