I'm back for a bit...

Please Won't You Be My Neighbor

what i am about to share is embarrassing, horribly so. if you know me in real life you might choose to ignore this entry so that you can still have normal adult conversations with me. then again you might have difficulty doing that already... let's just say that i'm going to be frank about something you might not want to know. [end of disclaimer]

kids, when a woman and a man really care about each other they may participate in physical affection. this show of feeling can occur in many different forms including kissing, hugging, heavy petting and getting down. yours truly has quite frequently had these kinds of interactions with her boyfriend. during such times i have vocally expressed my approval in numerous ways... loudly.

i've blushed about that bit many times but anyone i've dated in the past has actually been all for it. i don't enjoy the times when i have to make a conscious effort to be quiet. however, i'm putting a large amount of thought into some ways around that now.

last night the boy and i found ourselves at it and i'll not share any of those details. this morning when we were rushing about getting ready for our work day i found a note under the door. it was from the upstairs neighbor pleading us to have our loving relationship but with the volume turned down. the note went on to detail that they had been embarrassed when company was present in the past to have distinctive noises coming from the apartment below. last night, the note informed us, they were awoken from a sound sleep by our emotional embrace.

dear god. i am blushing about this. at this moment i am not willing to proudly wear my downstairs porn girl banner. the boy is pissed off with the neighbors and has asked me to turn it up to 11 just to unhinge them further.

so that's what i'm thinking about this morning. i'm sitting in my nice normal corporate job and cringing. somewhere some girl is probably telling her co-workers about the couple who live in her apartment building who cavort as often as rabbits and make sure everyone knows it.

i'm contemplating ways to put a sock in it. mommylap and the boy don't even think that i should bother. what do you think? would mr. rogers ask me to leave his neighborhood?

09:45 ::
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