I'm back for a bit...

Cool Banners Better Than Prozac??

after working up the nerve all day i finally made the phone call i had been dreading... i called my old doctor's office today to set up an appointment with someone new. i promised the boy that i would. he thinks that psychiatry will help with my depression. he's stuck on this idea and one more try can't hurt...

the scheduling people at my doctor's office asked me a few questions. they told me that they would need to transfer me to intake. then after a few stops and starts i am talking to intake. i tell them what i'm looking for and they tell me that i need to speak to scheduling. they explain that scheduling closes at 4:30 and this is why they transferred my call.

these are the kinds of people they have speaking to the mentally ill? good thing i wasn't a suicidal teenager or something equally horrid. it makes me think of the old bit about people calling 911 and being told to hold.

so i'm moving from irritation to depression a bit more today. could just be lack of ramen?

i really wish that i could just join a support group or take vitamins. going in for more anti-depressants and anxiety medication doesn't seem like an answer. then of course i'm going to have to write in my diary about it all the time. how tired...

i keep finding bits of things i wrote when i just got out of the hospital. it's pretty strange. i wasn't myself then... i was less inhibited but i was more unhinged. i don't want things to get so bad again. i guess that i have to do something. it keeps the boy from getting angry. he really believes in medication for this...

maybe i'd be a lot happier if i knew how to make cool banners?

19:45 ::
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