I'm back for a bit...

The Rest of the Story

i'm still thinking about this morning's note from the neighbors. here are a few extra tidbits from my brain:

the boy has his own apartment in a singles apartment building. so barring the affectation that leads some of us to call our pets kids there aren't any children in the place. or older people. so the median age is late twenties in his building and most everyone is up all hours.

the boy plays loud music quite a bit of the time. he's in a band as of recent and practices his guitar. he's also been doing a side project recording vocal, guitar and drum beats which is also loud. this has only ellicited one complaint in the past from the same neighbors. the time in question was preceded by my saying on arrival at the boy's pad that he was being a bit loud, too. i bring this up because though he continues to be loud that way but they only brought up the noise that happens during sex.

i know that there are times when i'm none so quiet. i'll raise my hand for that distinction without fail. still i don't think that any noises that i produce during our mating practice is anywhere as loud as the boy's guitar practice or his stereo blaring. you're going to have to take my word on this though.

this thought leads me to believe that the neighbors don't object to us being loud and hearing things that don't sound like porn films. i don't place blame here... perhaps they are less than understanding for the same reason that we never hear bedsprings moving upstairs. footsteps, yes. moans, no.

i've spent way too much time on this topic. i'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. i should just drop the whole thing really. the earlier i do that the earlier i'll be able to point a finger at them and laugh. i'm still a bit too midwestern to enjoy this kind of thing. i still haven't laughed at mommylap's threats to call me the queen of volume. i'll schedule that in for next week, i guess.

12:58 ::
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