I'm back for a bit...

Twitterpated Entry #136

this is one of those dippy girly entries that i look back on with a frown. though i start off with a disclaimer i'm going to put this bit in here anyway.

this week has been hell. i've worked too many hours and had to deal with too much at work. another scary thing is that it's becoming a typical work week for me. the boy called me from work admitting to being as fried as i am. work has been rubbing his nerves raw too.

here's the sappy pappy part...

me: you sound stressed out baby. what would make that better?
the boy: you
me: oh god that's sweet. that's going to have to go in my diary or something.

i'll stop there but i thought it was awfully nice. he actually admitting to wanting to be around me. that's a huge thing for a dysfunctional commit-o-phobe like our friend, the boy.

i'm finishing up things now with work and will be leaving here soon to start my weekend. i look drained and squeezed out. it's to be expected. what with the big announcement earlier this week and the amount of hours i've been clocking... also we had a one-hour meeting spill over in to two about how the curriculum still stank.

oh and my eyebrows are starting to take over my forehead because i have no idea how to tame them... the trials and tribulations of thisendup!

thanks for stopping by.

17:34 ::
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