I'm back for a bit...

Vroom, vroom, vroom...

i saw a bumper sticker this morning on my trek to work. it said "racecar spelled backwards is racecar". i'm still wondering what the hell they mean by that and what they're really trying to get me to think. should i examine my life and find all the unnoticed anagrams? should i get a racecar and drive it backwards?

there's a bittersweet sadness flowing through the halls of "giant corp" today. could be that one of my co-workers is playing r.e.m. "sweetness follows" on the training room speakers. could be, but i don't think that it is. i'm positive that we're all a bit tired with the humdrum, 'so be' it of the last week of february.

speaking of sadness and last week of february... i've been on prozac for a while haven't i? almost an entire month. so would you say that my writing is more upbeat? have you noticed a change in my mood? yeah, i didn't think so. the boy mentioned that i didn't seem any different.

i still find that i'm driving down the street and my eyes well up for no good god-damned reason. last night i found myself staring into the mirror thinking about homophobe in office and tears ran down my face. all really good comfy feelings.

what i'm glad of is that i'm still feeling things. i'm not walking through the world numb and that's my real fear about being on prozac in the first place. since nothing is happening it is easy to predict my shrink upping the dose.

i'm still noticing things around me... like racecar bumper stickers.

10:27 ::
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