I'm back for a bit...

I'm Going to Go Back There

Here is my baby:

Her name is Oona. Charlie Chaplin's last wife and mother to eight of his children. I guess that I'm sticking with Chaplin-themed names but it fits her and she's happy.

I'm keeping busy being a mommy for this kitten and she depends on me. I went from being very lonely and scared to being exhausted and thrilled. She's adorable and I am going to give my best to her.

Thank you to those of you who dropped a line agreeing that I should get a kitty, best thing that I've done. I'm still dating the Boy but every day doesn't stop or start with his say so and I'm thankful for that.

I've somehow miscalculated how much money I have AGAIN. I find myself waiting for a check to put me into negative but worse things could happen. It's not as if this is the first time I've seen my checking account in the red... just been a few months, that's all.

Best of wishes to all of you lovely souls out there in Diaryland. Today the pavement was wet and the sun was out and it made me think of car washes. I remember feeling happy long ago and I'm going to find my way back there.

12:19 ::
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