I'm back for a bit...

this one is for LAP

This one is for you lap! I had a good night... that is once I got over the slight nervous collapse caused by your arriving at close to 11 when I thought that you should have been there at 10 on the dot. My bad. I had a lovely time with you and it sucks that I'm leaving town. I would like to 'hang' more. Those books you promised would be loverly!

Now on to my news. It's nothing big to anyone but me. But tonight after a slight flub with eli, something great happened. j and I were talking about our date on Thursday and I was settling my tab. Kissed him a few times good night and we went about our way. I was supposed to walk eli to his car but he was nowhere to be found. Could it be that sensitive boy had gone home when I didn't sit at his feet?

It could. I drove my way over there, got lost because I was less then sober. Then couldn't find the keys to his apartment so he had to let me in. we talked, we argued, we talked, we kissed, we argued... then we made up. Thing is, that little flub of mine cleared up things with eli. It wasn't intentional but I can't blame myself for going "Woo hoo!" now that it's over.

eli has finally taken on the challenge that is the boyfriend/girlfriend terminology. Yes, it is only semantics. Nothing will change. But I like saying it. eli is my boyfriend.

I'm glad that I dressed up for you lap. Something that I don't do very often, but it was fun. Dressing up does attract quite a few geeks. One of them actually e-mailed me the moment he got home. I've been that geek many a time, so I'm not saying that he should pack things up. It was just a long, weird night. I'm glad that it happened.

Now when I am back for one week before I head to Texas, I'm hoping that both lap and Emily can be there. Can you say 'riot'? Sure, that was easy, but can you say 'sesquipedalian'?

Oh, hell. I'm just glad that it's raining and that I got some time out with my lady friend.


04:12 ::
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