I'm back for a bit...

It's All Very Interesting, Here In The Call Center

i work in a call center. or if you are to use the parlance of the large company i work for, i work in a contact center. so basically there are a bunch of people answering phones. they call for all sorts of reasons and it's all very interesting.

next point, i train the folks who take the calls from the people who call for all sorts of reasons. i tell them what to say, how to say it, when to say it and how to cheat on your stats to get longer bathroom breaks. it's all very interesting.

now boys and girls, it is that happy time of year when mommies and daddies across the country lose all control and get crazy with the consumer bit. they are out shopping and spending and so forth. well, these very people have to call us regarding their shopping and spending and so forth. must i tell you again, it's all very interesting.

as part of my job, i too have been thrown on the front lines and am talking to the seething mass of consumers. at least two hours a day of my time are dedicated soley to getting on the phone and getting it done. yes! it's all very interesting.

the best part about this is that i am not watched very carefully. oh, no! not at all. i take the calls but my statistics are possibly glanced at once. i am horrible at taking these calls, although i must admit there are those who put even my ineptitude to shame. he continues with pride despite this. perhaps we should pat him on the back?

now you have a little porthole into my very exciting corporate doings. all that travelling i do is to spread my wealth of knowledge and interesting-ness. there is a lot to spread.

it's a holly jolly holiday here in the contact center. our very best to you and we hope to hear from you again soon.

10:32 ::
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