I'm back for a bit...

I'm Off To Join The Circus

i'm now working among ringling brother's finest - yes, i have joined the circus. they came to me and recruited me... they were looking for a ringmaster but it appears that i will be running one of the freakshows.

take a look at my new bosses

i will be in charge of nine or ten [depending on who shows up as 'start time at 9' seems to be taken as a suggestion rather than an expectation]. the gig is only for a week but i think that it's enough for me to get a good taste for it...

honestly, i'm not complaining about the work i'm doing right now in miami. it isn't exactly a sweatshop here... let's just say that murphy's favorite law of 'what can go wrong, will' is being demonstrated.

i'm just trying to lean back and enjoy the show...

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12:10 ::
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