I'm back for a bit...

Drunken Loser Begs Forgiveness, Gets Dirty Look

H A N G O V E R . . .

Every time I land myself at work with a huge case of the morning after I swear to myself & my higher power (and anything else that strikes me as appropriate while I try to fight off nausea) that this time is definitely the last time. That I am done with the feeling like refried piss for a whole day whilst trying to pretend that I'm FINE for my co-workers.

I have yet to hear anyone who works here complain of anything similar. It's sad because it has the effect of making me feel like a big chocoholic but like, for booze.

I just keep making trips to the bathroom where I can hang my head in solitude. I cannot accomplish a damn thing and there's plenty to accomplish. I'm probably going to have to come in tomorrow and it's SATURDAY tomorrow.

I have done this to myself. Well, actually the Old Style I purchased last night did this to me. That pitcher I downed obviously had it out for me in a big way.

Enough with this entry because I'm making another trip to the bathroom to hide my pounding head.


11:12 ::
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