I'm back for a bit...

headaches & headcounts

eat my shorts, outsourcers. it was hell for a few days with you here. you talked all the bloody time. you checked your e-mail and made phone calls while i was training. you chatted about hotel reservations and didn't take notes. well, i turned in your butts. now everyone and their dog knows that you're lame. they are watching you and i can do no wrong... take that!

i got help with this. even being passive-agressive didn't stop me from getting the boss man to help out. go me.

i will be even happier when it is time to go home. i'm tired and i have a cold sore. AGAIN. God DAMN it. I'm really tired of looking like the perma-leper. at least it is this weekend and not next. plan on sitting in my hotel room and watching crap movies while ingesting large amounts of junk food.

the class is getting restless. they don't realize that the more time i give them for lunch the less time i have to train them things that are very important. oh, god. i'm not sure that i care. i have a big fat headache...

15:51 ::
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