I'm back for a bit...


links i like

the zompist phrasebook
should you go wandering, fill your knapsack with a few useful phrases first

cookbooks from hell
james lileks has compiled the cookbooks of the apocalypse. truly some of the most horrifying gelatin & meat arrangements that better homes and gardens ever saw fit to publish

the onion
the onion is virtually my only source of news, barring diaryland. this is the newspaper the daily show would have you read...

my cat hates you
well, not my cat... he's too damn polite. the cats on this web page are happy to serve you a hefty heap of loathing. (...and it's funny)

talk to your computer
because it wants to talk to you... you get to type in what your pc says. finally that meaningful relationship you two have been working on goes a step farther.

sound of music fun
for when you have a yen for anything with nuns and christopher plummer. those times seem to be cropping up more recently in my little corner of the world.

Educational Eighties!
here lies the remains of all those public service announcements that crop up in your dreams, nightmares or drifting thoughts - my fave is "hanker for a hunka cheese". happy learning!

despair and demotivate
ooh... i love this site. it has all those craptastic successories but with sentiments you can understand. after all, it is called

thisendup - the cabaret?
"The play celebrates liberation from Asian love stereotypes, sexual fantasies toward occidentals, self-acceptance of homosexuality among Asian men and the outrageousness of a fag hag lusting for an Asian gay man." - no comment.

breasts by any other name
if you have ever wanted a comprehensive lists of names for breasts, george carlin is your man. this list is pretty thorough although he did leave out 'sweater puppets', officially my favorite.

one word
so this site has you write for 60 seconds on one word. you'll suck at it but for some reason you will want to go back. but first you have to go there, so get clicking.

know you of any other links i should visit? lest you keep them to yourself, here be a link for my e-mail

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