I'm back for a bit...

nice dream

Nice dream (If you think that you're strong enough)Nice dream (If you think you belong enough)Nice dream

i will tell you what happened to me this morning if doing so will keep it from happening again.

i woke up and hit the snooze buttons a few times. not nearly enough sleep last night and i was a bit overzealous when setting my alarm, thinking that 6:30 was a time that i could accomplish.

i fell back asleep and had myself a dream. i was in miami in the dream and had overslept my class. the group that i was to be training came to my hotel. they yelled at my window and i looked down at them as they threw my things onto the street from their cars. this group of people were a collection of black souls. the kind of people that ignore you when you go up to the check out in the movie theatre... the kind of people who don't tell you where to sign or give you a pen to do it... the kind of people who do not rewind their rental movies...

i woke up from this dream to see that i had overslept. but it wasn't too horrible. i should have been leaving the hotel but instead i was just waking up. worse things have happened.

i threw on something that wasn't wrinkled and left the innards of my suitcase on the floor. they are waiting for me still.

i made it hear in one piece and things are going well. i worry too much. i plan on grabbing some food this evening and then daydreaming a bit before doing some actual work.

that ideas is just a suggested serving though and may not accurately represent what this girl actually takes on...

16:00 ::
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