I'm back for a bit...

Press Your Luck

i have the rescue squad flying in today. i can barely turn my head from side to side. tension & i have been hanging out all week, month, year... my ulcer is now joined by visible knots in my back.

[whine, bitch, moan, repeat...]

i went to evil bath & body works last night and made a donation to their corporate well-being. i bought aromatheraphy products. couple of candles and the massage lotion. i was planning to cajole the monsieur into doing the necessary on my back. according to mommylap there doesn't need to be any cajoling, just flat out expectation.

this is true. let me explain here. my job has me on one long continuous business trip. while this is not a bad thing, i wouldn't categorize it as relaxing. because i am out of town for at least three weeks at a time the home office offers to fly me home for the second weekend i'm gone. i've traded in this privelege in exchange for a visit from the boy. it works well for me, but it might be a better deal for him. two free trips to phoenix, one to galveston,tx and now miami. not too shabby.

i would never go so far as to say 'bow down and be grateful'. i think that requesting a back rub isn't really pressing my luck. or i kind of do but realize that this is my inner wimpy bitch talking, and i ain't listening. isn't that right, whammy?

10:56 ::
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