I'm back for a bit...

the upshot

dear me.

back at 'work'. by that I mean that I am in the building where my job is located. However, right now I'm just attempting to keep my head from hitting the keyboard. I'm on the clock, though. Yippee!

eli asked if I would like to watch movies. But of course. Have asked if this is something we could do at my place. Still feel like refried crap, so would like to stay where there is air-conditioning and a bigger bed. He's concerned that r will make it an awkward moment. That's possible, but that's the kind of concession I would hope that they both could make.

Should I possibly go home? They are moving our desks about, from 3rd to 5th floor. So pretty much everything is packed and I have to am-scray from my desk by 3:30. Hands down, I feel like crap.

Was supposed to go with j to Bismarck this weekend. However, can't think of being in the car for more than 15 minutes. Feel sick to my stomach just sitting here.

Oh boy. Have to feel better soon. Have to train a Visa class on Monday and then Tempe next week. Somebody shoot me.

11:26 ::
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