I'm back for a bit...

Rosy Albino!

i'm back at work this morning and eating saltines. i'm glad to be somewhat coherent sitting in class. the phone lines are down at work and calls are being routed to our call center in arizona. a few calls trickle through to my group but in general we're not too busy.

last night the boy and i traipsed around his neighborhood looking for alfredo sauce. he was thinking that fettucine would be a good meal for me. we tried three little grocery stores and didn't find a single drop of the stuff. the boy was quite put out with this but we ended up eating middle-eastern instead. his reasoning was that soup and salad would be good for my ulcer.

i was sitting across the table from him looking pretty pathetic. he asked me to sit by him and then stroked my back while i drank water. it was one of those sappy moments i'm going to hold on for a long time. it felt nice that the boy didn't mind shouting loud and clear that we are a couple and that he cares about me... well, until the next time he pisses me off, right?

it's a nice kind of relationship we have, it's not too comfortable but it's no longer scary. i'm getting used to the way he does business and just working with the differences.

i really am tired of eating crackers and wish that i had been a bit more gentle with my ulcer. will i ever learn? i must look pretty pale today as enough people have commented on it. i find it hard to believe that i could be paler since i happily describe my skin tone as rosy albino.

11:11 ::
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