I'm back for a bit...

The Burrito Incident

so friday with j... bet you were waiting to here how that all turned out.

i couldn't drive and when i called him i told him the situation with my license and my tabs. he offered to pick me up from work. so we get to his house and decide to order burritos. we have a nice big long adult talk about who will be paying for what. i'm broke and he's broker but he's also a male north dakotan... so he's paying for dinner and i'm paying for the mixer.

there's a small convenience store about three blocks away. we pick up oj, smokes and ice cream. back at his flat j cannot find his checkbook. the burritos arrive and the delivery man kindly informs us that we have 20 minutes to come up with the money...

we scour the apartment looking for the missing checkbook. or rather j looks everywhere and i poke through some stuff on the kitchen table. he's getting increasingly more pissed off. he then approaches me with his cash card and a post-it with his pin number. he asks that i run to the convenience store to get cash. there's a thirty second argument here about me paying. i tell him that i could take the money out of my account, no biggie. [i'm still broke as hell but i turn automatically stupid in the face of aggravation.]

after a terse word from j i'm off to the convenience store with his cash card and nothing else. the fact that i didn't bring my purse is becomes powerfully inconvenient when the request for cash returns a little 'insufficient funds' receipt. this means my having to run back, have j open the door and then grabbing my purse and running back. lovely.

did i mention that it's all of 13 degrees below zero and that i'm about 20 times more out of shape then i realized? well, now that info's out, back to the "story". i returned to the flat with $20 from my bank account and j meets me on the stairs waving a check. we laugh because it's either do that or start beating the hell out of each other.

the evening goes on after the burrito shenanigans. i'm a little worried about running into both of his roommates. they are protective of him and they know that i've jilted him... or rather that i decided against a relationship with j in favor of one that had already started with the boy. as each roommate comes home from whatever they have been doing we sit down with them and have a smoke. it's obvious that they don't want to poke sharp things in my eyes. these aren't the kind of women that force themselves to be nice. so it is possible that i handled things somewhat passibly.

it's about one in the morning when i'm starting to yawn so much i can no longer conceal it. j and i hobble out to his car so that he can return me to work and my frozen car. no dice. he has left on his dome light and his car isn't starting. i'm stuck at j's place that night.

i've rambled on this long enough so i'll write more later...

16:54 ::
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