I'm back for a bit...

The End of the Damn Story

here's your continuation of the last entry. this should do it for this tale of romantic pitter patter, i swear.

i watched the minutes go by and finally it was 4 pm. i could have borrowed a cell phone from one of my roomies but instead threw on layers of clothes and drove to a local gas station. i called the boy from a pay phone there. i waited for things to be awkward but they weren't. he just asked me to come and watch cartoons with him and added a please.

so i brought over the food i bought to share the night before. i had also started making brownies for him but had found out that our oven was busted.

i don't know if the conversation made an impact with him besides a weekend of uncomfortable thinking. i'm not sure if things will change. i don't think that i'm demanding that they do. not everything in life has to be a huge wake up call for those involved.

we were happy to hold on to each other and snuggle up on the sofa to watch tv. we were happy enough to check the brownies too many times. we were happy enough for then, for now. that's going to last me for a while.

i don't know what to do with myself or what decisions to make. i don't think that there are many people out there that do. i'm not so concerned with how things happen just that things continue to change and get questioned. i can't stop examining life and as long as i have sleeping medication i don't mind so much.

more template news: if you don't like my current stay tuned! the boy is very interested in creating one for me. he works as a computer know-it-all and hasn't had much of a chance to be creative lately. he's asked to use my diary as his canvas and barring huge creative differences i may be sporting another new diary very soon. i'm keeping the info for this template to possibly reappear later with more or less the same bells and whistles. that's more than i ever hope to write about templates...

13:49 ::
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