I'm back for a bit...

Happy Go Lucky?

i'm crossing my fingers as i write this [which makes it quite a chore to type, i must say]. i think the prozac is working. i truly do. i'm even going to blame that possibility for my lack of entries in recent weeks.

if it pleases the court, i'd like to tell you a little about the last few days and things that i've done. sunday was easter as you may have noticed. i love having egg hunts 'cause i'm still 8 years old. anyhoo, i talked the boy into playing along. but here's the funny thing... he really didn't want anything to do with it but i made him do it anyway.

what!?!? me demand satisfaction? hell yes! despite his protesting we did and later he admits to having quite a bit of fun at it.

also, i got my stink ass review on friday from my boss. i thought it was unfair and yesterday i had a status with my boss. so i brought my mid-year review with me and pointed to my rock star rating and then asked "what gives?" i even used language that didn't completely fall in the category of passive agressive. we've hit the big time here, people!

previously i would not have broached the subject at all. i would have stewed away and gotten progressively more bitter until my brain finished rotting and i found myself unemployed or some such. if i did somehow manage to pull together the nuts to talk to her about it i probably would have emitted tears and reverted to apologizing for being upset.

it went really well but the best part is that it wasn't even that big of a deal. i didn't sit and dread it all day and once it was over i didn't feel the need to log in to d-land to pick apart the conversation.

progress? i think so!

so that may explain a bit of my absence and if that's the reason i've been AWOL more than i'd like then i'm okay with that.

... for now.


12:05 ::
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