I'm back for a bit...

We Named The Dog Indiana

it's that time again, folks! i want things over and done with. i want the boy gone. i think that this happens anytime i'm away from him long enough to think. i spend some time with my roomies and i start thinking "wouldn't it be better if i had someone in my life who was really thrilled that we were together?"

'cause he doesn't. i know this whole bit is really tired. i truly need to either cut my losses or shut the hell up. i go on about how unhappy i am but then i come back and say how great everything is. i think that i have battered girlfriend issues about this. [which of course isn't funny.] but i go on about how terrible he is and then every time i think of going i think about how great we are when we are alone. "...if you knew how we are when it's just him and me, you'd see that it's worth it."

i'm really getting tired of hearing myself go on about what a lame ass my boyfriend is. that won't stop me from adding in this little tidbit though. he's going to be out of town for valentine's day, actually the whole damn weekend. i told him that he had better make it up to me. that would lead me to think that he might be planning something for this weekend. instead he is spending it with our pal joe. i'm invited to watch cartoons with him on sunday and isn't that great?

is it that he's clueless or is it that he doesn't care? is it because i've let him get by with doing very little for so long that now it's become the standard? i don't know for sure but to truly figure things out i have decided to spend tonight and possibly tomorrow working it out. this might include buying indiana jones on dvd and drinking beer until i pass out. something about harrison ford always helps me to forget my troubles.

if dr. jones doesn't make you feel any better then you should probably just pack it in and call it quits.

10:38 ::
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