I'm back for a bit...

My Devious Plans To Be With John

okay kids... here's the latest. i've finally decided to out myself and admit that i have taken a shine to john mayer. thing is that the boy works somewhere that would have him getting free tickets for this show if he's willing to attend with me.

in a daring attempt to convince him i am marketing john mayer as the white guitar guy who appeared on chapelle's show [see episode #203]. this may work or it may not. i'm holding off on working the girlfriend guilt trip bit about this.

perhaps i shouldn't though? you may recall that as a result of my job the boy has enjoyed four weekend excursions with airfare and lodging paid. i may possibly have to play this card but i refuse to not give him the option of being a respectable decent human being and offering up his attendance as a sacrifice.

...that failing then i'll see about the martyr bit.

14:34 ::
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