I'm back for a bit...

Power Lunch


i'm not dumped. i'm just silly.

i didn't really think that he wanted to end things. truly. i just like to take my wildest fears and make fun of them. every little thing is something for me to worry about. here's a quick example:

my penultimate boss just stopped by my desk for no reason. why shouldn't she? i'm not a leper. she wanted to see how i was doing after my being home on funeral leave and what not.

what do i automatically think? 'oh, good god! she's going to ask me into a private conference room. she's going to tell me that they've been monitoring everyone's internet usage. while others are bad, i'm beyond thunderdome.'

overreacting? yes. definitely, yes. but let's face it folks. i have a huge perception disorder. i see things differently. i see every little thing differently. i could go on with other examples from today but first i'll tell you what happened with the boy.

he asked me to have lunch with him this morning, while i was in bed. that's important... while i'm still half asleep, just done kissing him and looking cuddly as all get out he asks me to lunch.

i didn't tell you that part, now did i? had i told you that you might have been able to decide for yourself what eventually happened. just in case you don't let me tell you that he and i picked up some vietnamese for lunch [the food, not a person of that ethnicity - ok?]. while waiting for our food i confessed to the boy that his asking me to lunch had me worried. see below:

me: it's just not something that you normally do. i kept thinking that you were going to take me to brit's pub and tell me 'this just isn't working for me.'

him: [grimace]baby! i was thinking that we could grab some food so that we could have lunch at my place and then i could do ya. [smile] [kiss]

so he's not exactly big on wooing me sometimes but his 'heart' was in the right place.

and that's the story of my very first power lunch.

15:29 ::
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