I'm back for a bit...

my way of thinking

this morning i woke up and wanted to cry. wished for horrible things to happen to me. waited for the feeling to go away. it didn't so i popped up to the landing for a smoke.

eli knew that something was funny and gave me several well-timed hugs. gave him a ride to work even though it made me even later for work than had intended.

he continues to belabor the point of couplehood. i'm beginning to rethink the whole thing. something else has come along that could be so much better. i don't know what to think or do or say. it's all self-manufactured drama anyhow.

what i really wish for is a ladies' night for LAP and i. this is not a guilt trip should she read this... she brought the kidlets by for a visit. it may have unnerved R but it was quite helpful for my way of thinking.

living in this house it has been hard to have anyone over. this was mostly true because the place was one big snake pit of discarded crap. it still is. but the snake pit now emcompasses less rooms and less space. there is hope of seeing the floor in all rooms someday.

since R is unemployed i do wish that he would do a bit around the house. he feels guilty for not helping and i know that he is bummed sitting here. it would seem to me that hauling crap to the garbage or cleaning under the stove would give him that accomplished feeling while also adding a lemon fresh kick to the joint.

me oh my. will have to update more tomorrow as have dribbled and driveled on far too long. i want to speak to johnny cash passing away and R seeing his ex. will have to follow in dani-lou's footsteps and find a nickname for her. does anyone have a five year-old to lend???

21:47 ::
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