I'm back for a bit...

Circuits and the Single Girl

So last night was the second of my attempts at unpacking. It was also my first night in my lovely apartment and that made me very happy. I took a trip down to the local yuppie mart and bought myself some sandwich fixings. I'm broke as can be right now but being able to buy Miracle Whip somehow made me feel profoundly happy.

After returning home I decided to plug in my fan to enjoy a slight breeze. That blew a fuse in my tiny apartment and threw off a spark. So I climbed on top of my stove to reach the circuit box and reset the fuse. Then I tried plugging in my fan in a different area... which caused the fuse to blow. So I turned back to the stove to revisit the circuit box only to see the back left burner on high... and my alarm clock cord on fire.

See, the kitchen part of my apartment is directly across the way from my bed. So I can still see the alarm clock but I am nowhere near enough to turn it off without getting out of my bed an negotiating a few packing boxes.

However, my climbing on top of the stove had gotten my little old knee in contact with one of the stove knobs and such. So that brought on the death of my alarm clock.

So I called the Boy and asked him to give me a wake up call at 7:45 and did my best to sleep without a fan or a stable alarm clock...

So now I'm waiting out pay day to buy the following:

lest you think that I am running around smelling you should know that I am living off of supplies stolen from hotels in my recent travels. But that ain't exactly living the high life, good buddy.

No, I have to wait until Friday when me and two lady friends will be venturing to the land of IKEA. I have been warned off by the Boy but we all know that not every 20-something wants to furnish their entire house with tiki mugs so IKEA it is.

16:50 ::
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