I'm back for a bit...

People SUCK

So last night little old me returned to my house to get a move on with packing. Ran into Opus there and he quickly informed me that the temporary roommate that R had found us had been having friends over when he wasn't there. More like he had thrown a rope out his window when he went to work every day so that a friend could climb in and let the rest of his buddies in. There was also vomit on the roof right next to this same window. And the smell of pot hovering in our living room.

Yippee, thinks me. But Opus informed me that it was worse than this even. Damage had been done to his $1,500 couch and food had been eaten. Other things had been damaged and they had been in the attic and all of our rooms. So I was to tell the flunkie roommate that he was only allowed to have one person over at a time and never to have people here when he wasn't present. Opus demanded that I tell the jackass that I would be calling the police if he didn't cooperate.

Well, after a few hours of packing I ran downstairs to find jackass and friends in our house. A couple was lying on top of each other on the couch [remember the $1,500 couch?] while jackass and girlfriend had a nice big carton of ice cream melting on Opus's table.

I asked them to leave and was polite about it. They didn't care. I told them that Opus was filing suit against them and they said that it was lame. I told jackass that he was immature and disrespectful. How dare he eat our food and break our things and not even feel slightly shamed by it all. He told me that I should shut up and that I needed to drop the attitude.

The argument went on from there and eventually I rushed out of the house and drove to find Opus and Eddie, my two nice roommates at the Uptown Bar. Once there they began calling around to find our landlord's number and when this failed they called the police. Opus and I jumped into his car and raced to meet the cops there. When we returned home the cop was there but jackass and co weren't. They had evidently run out the back door when they saw the squad car.

The cop told us that there wasn't anything that he could do. I wasn't really surprised considering no one had threatened violence or really committed a crime. Although, shouldn't it be a crime to suck that bad?? So after he left we called our landlord and told her all the angry-making details.

She will be changing our locks on Friday. That means two whole days where I'm afraid to go anywhere near our house. Two days during which I can worry about what is happening to my things. I have mentally prepared myself to come home to my bed being peed on or my DVD's broken into tiny shards.

Maybe this roommate isn't that bad but it was a bad encounter and I don't want to see him again. He made me feel like I was being crazy for demanding that his friends leave the house or insane for being upset with the way he had been behaving.

People suck. R sucks for having this guy move and for not caring when the jackass began to make our house less than pleasant. Jackass sucks for many reasons but mostly for not caring one bit about anyone but himself. I'd also like to say that I suck for believing in R in the first place. I'm really overwhelmed by the loser. At one time in my life this was someone I had convinced myself that I was in love with. I was also trying to convince myself that this was a person that I could date for years... He is the same person who made me feel guilty, lazy, insane and spoiled. I now realize that he just couldn't face himself and I had to deal with the backlash.

So that sucked. I feel that I have to stop believing the best about people even though this is what I really want. I still believe in love and that people can possibly care about you without ulterior motives. However, ever little experience like this gets me a bit more jaded and the jokes get a little less funny. Like some kid laughing at cartoons when your boyfriend just dumped you... It smacks me in the face as something that I don't want to see or hear right now...

Ain't I a bit o' sunshine today?

Jesus Christ...

14:41 ::
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