I'm back for a bit...


... went in for more karaoke for the evening crowd. really sad. Patti and I sang 'these boots are made for walking' and 'i just called to say i love you'. wouldn't have sang the second but Dennis was singing this with me (he said he would sing were i to join him). i let him pick the song and he sang the first verse and then took off... oh, well. my threshhold for public embarrassment is high.

i am going to a woman is a woman. i am. i'm just not going to the first show. my hope is that eli stayed home and i will not run into him. don't want to miss movie but am truly loath to see him. he called here and work to talk to me. can't just pretend that things are normal. what self-respecting lass would do that. he has been a jack ass and i would rather find something better... like a hobby. i need to get myself one of those.

work is a shabby replacement but it will have to do. i do find that i am watching the clock though...

20:09 ::
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