I'm back for a bit...

The Football Phone Call

i like to make fun of jocks. i like to make fun of sports fans. it's fun to mock things that you don't understand at times. some of my opinions on this are based on the $$$$ cow that is professional sports but recently my mind has changed... if only a little bit.

the boy recently has taken to watching packer games. wait, that's wrong. he's been watching them for ages, i just didn't know that he was watching packer games. i was shocked and it kind of surprised me that someone who also liked to make fun of jocks and sports fanatics actually liked a sport, any sport.

last night the boy and i were on the phone. who knows what we were talking about, i do remember him saying that it seems like two weeks that i have been gone and not one. also that he wants to spend some time with me before i head off to bismarck for turkey day. that's notable but then there is this:

we watched football together - long distance
he explained the bits that i didn't get. we also got good and stressed out when things weren't going swell. we ended up losing, too. by that time we weren't on the phone but we did make it to the beginning of the fourth quarter without ending the call.

what i know about guys, especially the ones who date me, is that they constantly shock the hell out of me. i really enjoyed this moment and i also didn't feel like i was watching to win points or be the best girl ever. no, no, no... i only do that when i don't mention my dislike for his current haircut.

did you take the poll??? oh, you totally have to.

11:50 ::
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