I'm back for a bit...

Leaf Cleaning, For Christ's Sake?!?!

i really want to give up right now.

just got an e-mail from r saying that my car was towed. it was towed because the city was doing fucking street cleaning. i have heard of cars being towed when it is winter... yup. heard of that. but for leaves!?!?

not to mention that i'm not doing so great on the money front. {read: eating ramen as delicacy and carefully eyeing the leftovers of friends for an opportunity to pounce}.

can't help being pissed with r right now. he said that he and opus looked for spare keys. that they would have gotten a hold of me but that they didn't have any clue how.

how about check your fucking phone history? how about that? what if my dad died and you found out... would you look at qwestdex for the boy's info or would you send me a bloody e-mail at work? perhaps my anger is misplaced but i'm not so sure that i care.

i'm faced with another 3 week business trip with possibly another directly on its heels... work is proceeding to be piss and now this.

i'm upset and feeling just a tad bit suicidal. hell, i'm wacked out enough to link qwestdex... anyone sending thoughts my way would be much appreciated. little i care if that's outright begging.

feeling like shit begets acting like shit - thus the cycle of piss is born.

nothing better than skipping your smoke break because you fear that your co-workers will see you break out into tears of self-pity, now is there?

13:43 ::
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