I'm back for a bit...

lone star state


Will be spending three weeks in Texas training for Marshall Field's Direct. Very exciting. There is nothing in Beaumont, TX. Although I have heard of being able to tour the bayou and see gators. I'm not a big fan of things under water that bite. Still, would be very interesting.

lap is going to karaoke with me tonight and I can't wait to see her. It's been ages since I laid eyes on that girl. Time gets away from me so easily. I have trouble calling people on the phone or making any sort of plans. My Tuesday night karaoke outing is a big deal to me. It's akin to a Saturday night with the boys playing poker... or something.

Have been at work for an hour already. Am conflicted with technically having nothing to do. Truth be told, I should be preparing for a trip to Tempe, AZ coming up in a few weeks. Three weeks of training down there.

Will have to fill the time with smoking and perhaps a trip to the cafeteria. I honestly don't know what keeps all the other trainers so busy when they aren't in a class. They keep up appearances much better than I. This must be because they do not smoke.

09:33 ::
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