I'm back for a bit...

An Update of Sorts

damn it. I miss having a diary but I can't seem to devote any time to it. Before I would sneak on to people's computers just to have access to diarlyand. Now that's neither here nor there but I still feel a bit strange not having a diary anymore. Not in the kind of way like your leg has been amputated...

I don't know. I got a degree in theatre and everything. I don't do theatre anymore. It was such a huge part of my life for such a long time and one day it was gone and I don't plan on going back. Still, that's the closest I can get to the feeling of not keeping my diary up to date.

The Boy and I starting a band. It's power pop and he'll be playing the drums as opposed to his usual guitar. So that's the challenge for him. I'll be playing keyboards and singing... in French. That's odd and who know if we'll get if off the ground or not.

It's Thanksgiving weekend and most people are out and about. I'm thinking about coming to work tomorrow which is a Saturday and a crying shame if you ask me. But the paycheck that I get on the third won't be any worse for it. That's the main reason I'm at work right now. I'm not accomplishing anything associated with my job just punching the clock. I'm tempted to do the same tomorrow and just go run errands while I'm punched in. Tempted, I tell you.

The Boy is home in Milwaukee for the weekend. Kind of sore at him because there wasn't even a touch of sympathy thrown my way in regards to spending the holiday ALONE. Thought that would have happened but since I've been left alone I've been spending my time at his place. I'm contemplating cleaning his entire place tomorrow from top to bottom and then running out for Christmas decorations and doing up his place a tiny bit.

I miss decorating for Christmas and his apartment looks damn depressing to me so I'm thinking that just a bit wouldn't hurt. I don't know. Something.

What a doozy of an entry... Well, if I waited to be eloquent I'd never update, would I?

20:15 ::
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