I'm back for a bit...

Why Not?

Just thought I'd share a few things. If anyone is still pro-Boy at this point then keeping reading. If I've turned you off of that idea though feel free to skip this entry because I'm afraid I might just be getting damn mushy all over the place.

I talked to friends of the Boy last night while we were drinking our time away, waiting to go see his rock show. They told me that they thought his most recent ex sucked. That they had told him so. This coming from a guy who is very close with the Boy, too. Next he told me that the girl who broke my Boy's heart was "scary" [his words, truly].

See, my boyfriend moved away from his friends and family to be with this girl. She was married and had two kids at the time but he still thought that he was in love. He wanted to have more kids with her. He wanted to get married. He saw the rest of his life with her painted on a big canvas and he shared those feelings with anyone who would listen.

The day he got to Minneapolis to be with this girl she dumped him. Called it quits and ripped his happy future to shreds. He doesn't hate her. He still blames himself. He even dated her a few years after it happened just to get a few things settled. Hopeless, really.

He doesn't want to move in with me, ever. This is hard to accept but I'm beginning to understand that with divorced parents and an ex straight from soap opera hell that he has some reason for being the sullen grouch. Some reason.

There's no real way for him to start trusting me except to give him loads and loads and loads of time. For now that's something that I can do. So what if every now and then I get a bit fed up? Whatever we have is still the best something that I have ever had. It's flawed and hopeless and deep down that's probably how I like things.

I know, I know. I'll be scheduling those therapy sessions in a jiff.

18:50 ::
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