I'm back for a bit...

The Low Down Dirty Rottens

i'm going to knock it off with all that duckie dale fuss for a bit. just long enough to tell you what i'm up to, should that be something that you are interested in.

my energy is so low lately. here i sit, in a call center in miami, florida. i don't have to be here because my class is gone but yet i continue to slump in front of a computer because i don't know what else to do with myself.

someday soon i will be back in the land of erect nipples and as i try for the 80th time to start my car, perhaps then i will value this time. right now i am cheating winter. the long business trip hell is keeping me away from the scraping of windshields and the shivering of timbers.

it is also keeping me very far away from my support group. the class that i am teaching right now is less than tactful about telling me things i need to know about myself (exhibit a & exhibit b) however, they are my main contact with the outside world - unless you count the very nice valets at the freaking hotel, which i do not.

so everybody that has hung out with me in the last week and a half has pretty much been paid to listen to/be nice to me. that's all kinds of stink ass fun. i shouldn't complain because i have seen much lower points and we aren't even talking diddly squat right now... but then again, if you can't bitch and moan in your own diary, where can you?

i feel like i'm sleeping through this class and i'm training it. that's not so good. i simply get up every day and try to make it here without falling asleep in the car (does anyone else have this problem? how dangerous is that!?!?) then when i get to work i brainstorm a couple of ways to doggie paddle my way through the day without expending much energy.

then after a big long day of not living up to my potential, i go back to the doubletree and feel like a real rat poop... and this my friends does not bode well for my performance on the next business day.

oh, no. we are talking about a spiraling vortex of poop. i'll stop with the details but i thought that i would stop covering up my angst with entries about pretty in pink.

thank you to: mommylap, redheadprincess, zoombeanie, the ladies at idiot reviews, officegal for leaving some of the nicest notes in the history of my diaryland experience. i'm going to try hard to repay the favor. i know that you weren't the only ones either - let's just say that i can only do so much html in a day???
