I'm back for a bit...


oh yes... I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. It's completely messed about and tangled beyond recognition...

I dumped the Boy. Then the Boy dumped me. That's harder than I thought - losing my best friend and my bed buddy and someone I truly love in one fell swoop. Not one bit of fun. We are split because he can't give me what I want and we want different things. Then the closer I get to getting those things from different people the more unhappy I get. Maybe I never wanted those things to begin with and I only enjoyed pointing out to myself that I wasn't getting them... It's one big happy fuck all.

Next, I went home last weekend to be moral support for my mom's hysterectomy. Surprised the family and had a nice evening. Turns out that not only was her uterus down for the count but she was also chock full of cancer. Ovaries the size of soft balls and a tumor in her uterus the size of an infant's head. Chunks off the right and left side of her colon were also lopped off as well as the fatty apron that serves as a protector for internal organs. All had been taken up with cancerous growths and were cut out.

So then the last week has been me dealing or not dealing. I came back here on Tuesday and since then I have been dutily hiding my head in the sand.

I'm dating someone and I shouldn't be. I'm only weeks into the break up with the boy and living in denial about that. Someone is falling for me as a I write this and he doesn't even see the big flashing lights and warning signs that are plastered to my head.

Oh and one last thing before I go... did you know that I can now drink a bottle of wine and then drive to karaoke where I can drink four beers and still retain consciousness because I totally can. I am testing my liver and my will to live...

But fear not because I'm medicated during all of this. Enough already. One day all the poor me's and blah, blah, blahs are going to end because I'm sick of hearing it.


13:47 ::
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