I'm back for a bit...

smile on my face

oh man. i have one big heap of good will towards man going on.

this will be to the point as i don't wish to stir that dang depression demon i so love to match wits with. honestly, i feel all kinds of groovy and i ain't even drunk...

went over to the the boy's after work. he was being loud, strumming on his gee-tar. eventually his new upstairs neighbor came a' callin'. begged for everyone's favorite musician to kick out the jams a bit quieter.

the boy ripped out a new list of expletives. i could tell that he felt shamed by the guy - kind of like when you get yelled at for taking extra fortune cookies. it was ridiculous. he proceeded to rant listing his three years as a tennant with much louder times in his past as evidence to his reign and the neighbor's lame.

next we began watching the family guy episodes that we have been putting on a to-do list for about a month. stewie was eating soup in the first one and my stomach clock went off. when i mentioned this to the boy in the form of: 'do you have any soup' (which i did 2x) i was warned with 'do you want me to stop the show?'

eventually he stopped the show and had me call out for a sandwich. i ordered the big one instead of the small one. i was rendered completely inept in my ordering as this is usually something i never handle. since he was paying and already itchin' for a bitchin', this incurred his wrath as well. i called back and corrected my order.

sandwich eaten and shows watched we lay on the couch. i love the habit we have fallen into lately... it involves one of us needing a back rub. the one who needs the back rub lays on top and hugs the other as the backrub is given. love this... both of us leave with smiles on our faces.

smiles were also painted on a bit later when i was 'convinced' into having a bit of breeding practice (lingo courtesy of the critic). oh golly. am i glad that i did... that was one way to give the blues the old 'get thee gone'.

now it's about time i stretch out next to my snoring honey and get some shut eye.

02:57 ::
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