I'm back for a bit...

i'm updating

no time to sit and read up on my favorite people. have to kick it into gear and show my face at work... what with the three week space involved since last appearance, i'm thinking that this could be quite the pain in the keister...

will update with more info later but first wanted to put a blanket thank you up. thank you for signing my guestbook I made it through the bloody weekend... there was some crying at ihop yesterday. more on all those fun-filled details later.

can't imagine that simply being back in actual work facililty will impact my desire to be in all ways diaryland.

to use a poppyfish term 'pumpkins,' that's all for this girly.'

would like to have my own word but instead of an endearing term am sure that the word that most frequently shows up in my diary entries is either bloody or hell

11:42 ::
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