I'm back for a bit...

Welcome To Miami

read this first. it's really for your own good and keeps me from hanging my head in shame.

we last left off with me running out of the office for a weekend with the boy. i'm on another of my three week long business trips, this time in miami. whenever i'm gone for this long i'm offered a trip home for the second weekend. instead i opt to have my honey fly out and visit me. i'm from minneapolis and this is november - we're talking a free vacation here.

so, mr. man got into town close to ten on friday night. i dressed up. think executive business whore and you might get the idea. black blazer, short black skirt, high heels and a ridiculously tiny shirt (red with tiny black polka dots). should you be interested to know this shirt was itty bitty enough for me to have to worry about what bra i was wearing... as it showed very prominently.

our young gentleman was very appreciative. he would admit later to going crazy without me... this was the first of many sentences that just happened to slip out of his mouth. part of the reason i'm being so vigilant in documenting the entire weekend is there were quite a few occasions where he said things i will never hear him say again. would be a pity to let them just slide away.

our relationship is built on two things: we like each other and have a lot in common AND we enjoy sleeping with each other. we knew each other for quite sometime before the shagging bit fell into place. after the first time i was a bit phased and didn't know what would happen... i sent him the follwing e-mail:
fancy another go?
don't let's have me be the crazy girl who wants you in the sack. drop me a line and tell me which way you swing because I'm just aching to know, to be honest.

thus a quick and dirty romance was born...

oh, dear. just one entry in and i've only just covered one evening. if you haven't read this disclaimer yet, you might want to.

11:43 ::
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